Lemniscate88 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lemniscate88/art/Steampunk-Flowering-Key-209793275Lemniscate88

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Lemniscate88's avatar

Steampunk Flowering Key



Take a small trip into my imaginary world where mechanical keys sprout from the ground and wisdom falls from the sky and is for all. :)

Unique in design and classic in style this one of a kind "Mechanical Druids Key of Spring" Pendant was handcrafted from a vintage Eglin USA 19 Rubis jewels watch movement and a variety of components collected worldwide.

Each unique metal component (vintage faceplate on the back of the key, flowers and flower stem) were torch soldered together using a combination of silver and a leadless metal alloy.

Vintage watch movement is embellished with 4 Genuine Fuchsia Pink Swarovski Crystals.

Thanks for checking out my work.

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Thank you :)
Image size
700x700px 247.27 KB
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Sweet-Sakura-Hime's avatar
that is so amazing Ö.Ö